June 2021 Blog Income Reports

June 2021 Income Report – $17,262.31

*This post may have affiliate links, which means I may receive commissions if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclaimer for additional details.

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June has definitely run me through the ringer. The June update, I am sure, was on everybody’s mind. You never know if a site is going to be hit in a good way, a bad way, or just stay status quo. Because I have so many sites, the risk for me is spread out. That proved to be very helpful this month.

I have two “big” sites. One was down 20% and one was up 19.74% after the June update. It’s the first time I’ve seen one of my sites dip after an update. I knew it was possible but nothing prepares you for having your pageviews (and therefore revenue) drop off a cliff.

Other than that my day job has been extremely busy. That means I have had to rely on my team more than ever and I am really pleased with how little they needed me. That’s what it’s all about after all.

I still come up with all the keywords as well as the high level projects but then I trust my team to execute and they do a great job of it. I have a 10 day vacation planned for Alaska in the coming months and I have no worries about disconnecting if needed (realistically I’ll check email once a day).

So, with that summary, let’s get into what you came here for, the June blogging income report.


This is till a big goal of mine so I’ll keep tracking it for a while. Due to the update affecting some sites more than others, things have moved around a bit this month but, overall, more diversification is needed.

May 2021 Income Diversification

June 2021 Basic Stats

  • 150 Articles Added
  • 199,179 Words Published
  • $309 in Product Sales

πŸ’° June 2021 Blogging Income πŸ’°

Total Gross Revenue for June 2021: $17,262.31

I still can’t believe how fast the growth has been! I am expecting a dip in income for July but still, the fact that I am making over $10,000 a month on blogging is still unreal.

Screenshots for Good Measure:

πŸ’Έ June Blogging ExpensesπŸ’Έ

  • Advertising & Marketing – $248.00 (this includes things like ConvertKit, Shopify Fees, etc)
  • Education – $2204.61 (I made an investment in a course I’ve been eyeing for a while. There will be two payments, one this month and one next month.)
  • Pinterest Templates – $15
  • Other Graphic Templates – $37
  • Office Supplies and Software – $117.23
  • Recurring Software – $1,013.43
  • Domains and Hosting – $171.06
  • Miscellaneous Shopify / Stripe / Paypal Fees – $17.19
  • Virtual Assistants – $1,722.94
  • Graphic Designer – $376.11
  • Travel – $316.80

Total June Expenses = $6,224.37

Net Blogging Income for June 2021 = $11,037.94

June Content Costs

Yet another month where we fell short of our goal. We’ve already started the hiring process and my goal is to onboard at least 5 writers this month and another 5 next month for a total of 10. Of course, if we get all 10 in the first round of hiring great…but that probably won’t happen. Finding good writers isn’t easy.

Because of that I’ll be placing another order with Passion Posts this month. I am an affiliate and, if you use the coupon code RBYOMCQSWF you will get 10% off your first order.

They produce good content and out of my last order of 50 posts I only had revisions needed on 2 or 3. While I do like hiring my own team, it’s nice to just be able to drop a bunch of post titles in a list and have someone else work on them.

  • Content Costs = $2,836.80
  • Editing = $1,170.60

Total Content Costs = $4,007.40

Net Blogging Income

  • Accrual Accounting = $7,030.54
  • Cash Based Accounting = $5,578.99

This report is all based on accrual accounting but my business is actually run off of cash based accounting. Most of the income I report above won’t be received for several months but all of the expenses were paid this month.

Keep in mind that not all income reports are the same and it is really important to understand how they are arriving at their “profit” values.

The reality is, I was actually negative 4 out of 6 months this year. That meant up until May, I had to put money INTO the business.

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Interested in reading about my niche site projects? Check out my Niche Site Project List to see my projects & their individual status.


I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.

These are my top tools:


If you want to be updated when I write a new blog post, use this form below. It isn’t pretty but it works :D. I promise to try to remember to email you!

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  1. Awesome job April! Always sucks to see a Core Update hit your site but it seems like a minor hit, luckily πŸ™‚
    I also like the new look of your site! Good luck and keep up the good work!

  2. Hi,

    You reports are very descriptive. It’s a good help. They detail good infomation about progress of each blog. Well, as you said, this algo update affected most bloggers and it’s not always for bad thing. Some blogs shows increase after any update.

    By the way, I checked the tools you use. And I don’t see any keywords research tool (Or many I just missed it). Do you use Ahrefs or something similar? or maybe it’s a tool from project24.

  3. Hi,

    I have few question in mind what do you think about blogging vs youtube as in serp there are more youtube widget are coming? As a blogger this is scary for new blogger how just started blogging now a days. Did you get all this traffic from google or any other platform as well.

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