May 2020 Blog Income Report – $3,604.30 Earned from Multiple Sites
May has brought lots of progress to my site and income. Overall it’s been kind of a roller coaster. While the quarantine situation looks like it will improve, the social situation took a turn for the worse. The positive aspect is that I am happy enough to stay home and bury my head in work.
If you are new here, check out my Blog Income Overview Page where you can see a table with each of my blogs, what niche they are in, and their income over time. Just keep in mind it doesn’t look great on mobile.
🥂Project 24 Anniversary 🥂
While I have been a blogger for many years, on June 6 of 2019 I took the plunge and purchased a membership to Project 24. While I have taken many blogging courses before, to say that this one has absolutely made a lasting, positive impact is an understatement.
I went from making less than $100 a month on average to now edging close to $4,000 a month in 1 years time. While I know that I put in the hard work to get here (trust me I know!), it is 100% the concepts I learned in the course that have allowed me to come as far as I have.
After having previously spent around $1,500 for a VERY popular blogging course that got me nowhere, I am glad I had the faith to try something different.
If you aren’t already a Project 24 member, I can personally vouch that applying their method has worked for me…and you can see that through all of my income reports.
New This Month
Every month there is the usual stuff. I do keyword research, publish a bunch of content, check my stats, collect some money. Aside from the rinse and repeat, here is some of the interesting stuff that happened this month.
- Canceled Tailwind – As another part of cutting expenses due to the current climate, I have canceled all of my Tailwind Plans. The minimum renewal fee was going to be like $600. While my income is high enough to support it (it’s an annual fee), I haven’t had the time lately to create pins let alone schedule them so I felt like it would be a waste right now. Currently I’m pinning manually when I can and I’m working on setting up a more automatic system using my social media scheduler, Publer.
- I wrote more – I actually love the writing process. I’m good at it and fairly fast. If I know about a topic and am in the right mood I can pump out an article in 25 -30 minutes no problem. This month I wrote 15 out of 45 total published articles so about 1/3. I’m pretty happy with that number! Hopefully I can be more consistent about writing as well.
- YMYL? – I purchased a couple of new domains for sites that may be YMYL. One is an aged domain I got for like $60 total from a GoDaddy auction. The site has a domain authority of 29 and a great backlink profile for the Weight Loss Niche. I take possession on June 3 and I plan on focusing on Instagram and possibly YouTube to build up that domain. I have over 100 lbs to lose so if I can stay on track and meet my own goals, I should be able to build up the site. It will be a fun project at a minimum.
May 2020 Basic Stats
- 45 Posts Published (30 Outsourced)
- 31 Response Posts
- 11 Staple Posts
- 3 Pillar Posts
- 72,188 Words Published
- 3 Products
- 27 Total Product Sales
- 11 Sites (including this one) | 9 Active This Month
- 242,400 Sessions
- 292,514 Pageviews
- 225,367 Organic Pageviews
May 2020 Income for my Niche Sites
- Niche Site Project 1: $1,991.12
- Niche Site Project 2: $108.19
- Niche Site Project 3: $1,028.67
- Niche Site Project 4: $443.32
- Niche Site Project 5: $0
- Niche Site Project 6: $0
- Niche Site Project 7: $12.00
- Niche Site Project 8: $0
- Niche Site Project 9: $0
- Printable Site: $21.00 (for products not related to NSP1)
Total Gross Revenue for May 2020: $3,604.30
Keep in mind this is money earned, NOT received, in the month of May.
May Blogging Expenses
- GoDaddy – $111.04
- Hosting – $111.90
- Pinterest Templates – $15.00
- PicMonkey – $12.99
- SEM Rush – $99.95
- Microsoft Office – $6.99
- AppSumo Plus Plan – $99.00
- Canva – $22.90
- SendOwl – $24.00
- Zapier – $24.99
- GeniusLinks – $5.00
- Education/Courses – $39.00
- Graphic Resources/Templates – $28.00
- Office Supplies – $64.66
- One Time Software – $88.20
- CPA Fee to File 2019 Taxes – $625.00
Total Expenses: $1,378.62
Net Blogging Income for May: $2,225.68
May Content Expenses
Content expenses continue to decrease this month. So much so that I’m thinking of hiring a couple new writers. Right now I have only two writers who are allowed to write as much as they like, but life and other things get in the way. It may be a case of burnout as well.
- Upwork – $265.04
Net Income After Content Investment: $1,960.64
This is up just over $800 from last month. VERY encouraging!!
Income Screenshots
Here are the screenshots from my biggest income producers.

Traffic Reports
NSP1 🐹 – 5.69% Increase in Sessions!

View the homepage for this site here.
NSP 2 💲– 7.50% Increase in Sessions!

View the homepage for this site here.
NSP 3 🏡 – 4.44% Decrease in Sessions 🥺
I can’t be too upset with a decrease here. The sessions and pageview decreases are noticeable BUT this site also grew like a rocket due to one post. Some of this decrease is likely that one post losing ranking for a few long term keywords. I have no doubt that more content can get this site back on track towards growth.

View the homepage for this site here.
NSP4 🐾 – 9.26% Increase in Sessions!

View the homepage for this site here.
NSP 5 🐘 – 146.63% Increase in Sessions!
I haven’t added content to this site in ages so I’m pretty happy with that. Keep in mind that it is easier to get higher % increases when your base numbers are low.

View the homepage for this site here.
NSP 6 🦔 – 55.33% Increase in Sessions!

View the homepage for this site here.
NSP 8 🧰 – 66.18% Increase in Sessions!

View the homepage for this site here.
If you enjoyed this content, consider buying me a coffee.
Interested in reading about my niche site projects? Check out my Niche Site Project List to see my projects & their individual status.
I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.
These are my top tools:
- ClickUp – It has easily helped me 10x my productivity.
- Big Scoots Hosting – (or, alternately, SiteGround)
- Tailwind for Pinterest
- ConvertKit for Email List
- Airtable for data tracking/spreadsheets when I first started (though I use ClickUp Exclusively now)
- Project24 the main course I took to learn how to blog, and my primary blog course recommendation.
- BloggerPlot for Analytics and Search Console Analysis in one place.
- Amalinks Pro for Amazon links and awesome tables.
- for my Virtual Assistants
- Pinteresting Strategies Course for Pinterest
If you want to be updated when I write a new blog post, use this form below. It isn’t pretty but it works :D. I promise to try to remember to email you!