november 2020 blog income report

November 2020 Blog Income Report – $6,359.09 Earned

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Yay for November! After several months of trying to push the needle just enough to crack the $6,000 mark for blog income I was finally able to get it done.

I know the reality is that, for now, most of my income comes from what was done several months ago, not anything I did within the preceding few weeks but still, I’m pretty happy to have hit this milestone.


  • Hiring New Writers – My VA and I worked through another writer hiring round this month. Check out this post for more info: Outsourcing Content for Blogs. It looks like we’ll be able to hire 3 – 4 new writers this round which is awesome.
  • Switching Accounting to QuickBooks – I’ve been using You Need A Budget for the past two years for my business which has worked out great. Unfortunately, they have a longstanding issue with importing transactions automatically from my bank (Capital One). Importing them manually each month just isn’t worth the time invested so I am finally taking the plunge and getting QuickBooks setup.
  • Switched my NSP1 site to AdThrive – I applied for this site to AdThrive when Mediavine made their announcement about raising the requirements for second sites from 10,000 sessions to 50,000 sessions. AdThrive allows second sites at 30,000 sessions and, while I don’t have a site ready for a premium network right now, I wanted to be ready with a plan in place.


15 “Active Sites” – More or less this means a site that I am actively doing keyword research for and having writers write content for. Not every โ€œactiveโ€ site gets new content every month.

  • 94 Posts Published
  • 114,441 Words Published
  • $201.90 in Product Sales


Total Gross Revenue for November 2020: $6,359.09

I love reading other blog income reports to see not only how the bloggers are doing but also how they present data.

This month I noticed my friend Kimberly’s blog income report had a breakdown of the percentage of income each site was contributing. That’s a neat idea so I’ve done something similar here for you ๐Ÿ˜€

NSP1 and NSP3 both contribute 43% of the revenue which totals 86% of my income. The other sites round out the remaining 14%.

As far as where the money is coming from, the majority of it is ad revenue, followed by products and then Amazon.

๐Ÿ’ธ November Blogging Expenses๐Ÿ’ธ

  • Virtual Assistants โ€“ $639.44
  • Domain Names โ€“ $16.94
  • Hosting โ€“ $111.90
  • Pin Template Starter Kit โ€“ $15.00 (but this link has 10 free!)
  • Canva โ€“ $38.85
  • GeniusLink โ€“ $5.00
  • Keysearch – $11.90
  • Manage WP โ€“ $29.57
  • Microsoft โ€“ $6.99
  • MiloTree – $9.00
  • Copyscape โ€“ $20.00
  • Link Whisper – $77.00
  • PicMonkey โ€“ $12.99
  • SendOwl โ€“ $24.00
  • Shopify โ€“ $29
  • Zapier โ€“ $24.99
  • Education โ€“ $20.99
  • HP Instant Ink โ€“ $5.46
  • Recurring Software – $208.50
  • Affiliate Payouts – $7.00
  • Taxes – $989.35 – 2020 LLC Fees California

Total Expenses: $2,260.40

Note: Because I’m switching accounting software this month I believe these numbers are mostly accurate but I haven’t finalized and reconciled everything so there could be some discrepancy but it wouldn’t be much. Just putting this here in the interest of full disclosure.

Net Blogging Income for Novemberโ€“ $4,098.69

  • October Net Income: $3,526.48
  • September Net Income: $1,638.59
  • August Net Income: $3,077.84
  • July Net Income: $2,909.54

November Content Expenses

Content expenses are up from last month which was $1,551.15. This was planned and is a good thing. My team is producing more and more content each month which is what I was hoping to accomplish.

  • Upwork โ€“ $1,957.56

Net Income after content investment: $2,141.13

  • October Net Income after Content: $1,975.33
  • September Net Income after Content: $285.46
  • August Net Income after Content: $1,606.39
  • July Net Income after Content:ย $1,546.65

November 2020 Blog Income Screenshots

Here are the screenshots from my biggest blogging income producers during the month of November.

Traffic Reports

NSP1ย ๐Ÿน โ€“ 8.28%ย Decreaseย in Sessions!

This site is continuing on a steady decline. I am HOPEFUL that is seasonality. I don’t know though because it grew so fast I can’t compare this years analytics to last years at the same time.

I have slowly started going through some posts that are older than a year and updating them. I have started to see movement doing that. For example, one post was ranking on page 6 is now top of page 2 and rising.

I’m continuing to add posts here and hope that my efforts will be rewarded in spring/summer.

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View theย detailed profile for this site here.

NSP 2ย ๐Ÿ’ฒ – 5.86% Increase in Sessions

Over the previous two months I was able to add articles to the site that had been sitting around written but not published.

I think the combination of publishing those and, also actually emailing my newsletter subscribers helped with the traffic increase this month. It wasn’t much but every little bit counts right!

I expect traffic, and income, to pick up exponentially for this site in January, as it does every year.

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View theย profile for this site here.

NSP 3ย ๐Ÿกย โ€“ 16.74%ย Increase in Sessions

This site saw a huge increase in traffic. I attribute this to two important factors:

  • I am adding a ton of content
  • I had a couple of posts going organically viral for this site.

It is interesting to note that while I do have a Pinterest account for this site I don’t post to it routinely. In fact, I can’t be sure but I may not have posted at all in November.

The traffic breakdown here is 105,613 pageviews and of that, 95,133 is organic.

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View the profile for this site here.

NSP 4ย ๐Ÿพ – 5.82% Decrease in Sessions

I still do want to get this site up to 100 posts by the end of December. That means I really need to sit down and actually do some search analysis.

It sounds easy but, this one is becoming harder and harder to find topics for. I think I am going to wind up expanding the niche just a little bit to accommodate new topics.

This one is definitely seasonal, with popularity being spring and summer so I’m OK with the decreased sessions. I need to use the off season to build up content and be ready for March/April when I expect things to pick back up.

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View theย profile for this site here.

NSP 5ย ๐Ÿ˜ย โ€“ 12.16% Increase in Sessions

I have admittedly been neglecting this site. What’s crazy is it has the potential to be one of my largest sites.

I need to sit down and pencil out content to get this site up to 200 posts or so. I think that would be a great starting point for it and then possibly consider selling it once it hits about a $100k valuation or so.

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View theย profile for this site here.

NSP 6ย ๐Ÿฆ” – 14.94% Increase in Sessions

I’ll be working on a new list of posts for this site soon. Once I have it flushed out I’ll review it with my partners and we’ll decide how many articles to move forward with.

I’m excited to see this site growing in pageviews and earnings each month though I would love to see faster growth (cause who doesn’t want to see that!).

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View the profile for this site here.

NSP 7 ๐Ÿ‘ถ โ€“ Not Forgotten

…but still not getting worked on

NSP 8ย ๐Ÿงฐ – 6.40% Increase in Sessions

We’re finally wrapping up adding the last of the ordered content on this site. We initially ordered 50 total articles and should have worked harder to get it all added earlier.

But, the past is the past and so we are getting it done now. It’s nice to see income and pageviews rising for this site despite not having content published for a couple of months.

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View the profile for this site here.

๐Ÿช‘ NSP 9 – 9.17% Decrease in Sessions

This site is currently heavy on gardening content so I am not surprised to see a decrease this month again.

At some point I’ll add another content silo to it and see if we can’t work on something that is less seasonal, or at least something that has a different season!

Month# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviewsRevenue

View the profile for this site here.

New Project Stats

These sites are so new I normally wouldn’t post about them but, maybe you would like to get to know them a bit. None of them are running ads yet.

As you can see, they aren’t all getting equal attention as far as content goes either. Part of the reason for that is when I “launched” them I didn’t really have my keyword research done for them / their niche. That is something I hope to be able to do soon.

Site NicheAge
# Posts AddedTotal Posts# Words AddedPageviews This Month
๐Ÿฅฌ Health & Fitness41765790
๐Ÿ’ Lifestyle40102
๐Ÿฏ Agriculture41101088535
๐Ÿ“ Sewing57268092499
๐ŸŒ™ Lifestyle / Fitness6060209

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Interested in reading about my niche site projects? Check out my Niche Site Project List to see my projects & their individual status.


I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.

These are my top tools:


If you want to be updated when I write a new blog post, use this form below. It isnโ€™t pretty but it works :D. I promise to try to remember to email you!

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  1. Hi April- just to let you know there is an error in your link code for tailwind on this page. Thank you for these reports- they are keeping me motivated in these tough times!

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