Niche Site Projects
I love building websites, tracking stats and analyzing data. I also have a domain problem. If I think of an idea for a blog, I buy a domain. The problem is, what winds up happening is each year, my domain bill totals over $1,000.
Of course, I go in regularly and decide what to delete. Some of the names, though, I’m too mentally attached too. I KNOW they are going to be great niche sites if I only had the time.
Niche Site Projects
Niche Site Project 1: Pets
This is my main site on a domain I owned and played with for around 10 years. It is the biggest earner and, as such, tends to get most of my attention.
- Domain Registered: 2009
- Content Age: 39 Posts added between 2009 – 2018
- Total Posts on Site As of December 2019: 263
- 2019 Total Revenue: $3,824.61

Niche Site Project 2: Personal Finance
- Domain Registered: 2012 – I purchased the domain 03/2019
- Content Age: Site started fresh 03-2019
- Total Posts on Site As of December 2019: 58
- 2019 Total Revenue: $425.31
This is a site about budgeting. Since it is in the YMYL niche I don’t actively work on it as much as I should because it is a “harder” win.

Niche Site Project 3: Home and Garden
This is a site about home design, decor, homesteading, gardening, etc. Basically, anything related to stuff around a small farmhouse, inside and out.
- Domain Registered: 2019
- Content Age: Site started fresh 06/2019
- Total Posts on Site As of End of December 2019: 42
- 2019 Total Revenue: $3.76

Niche Site Project 4: Pets 2
This site is centered around a certain type of common farm animal. Having owned a farm and various farm animals, these types of sites are fun for me because they are interesting and I know a lot about them.
- Domain Registered: 2005 for a completely different niche – I purchased the domain 03/2019
- Content Age: Site started fresh 09-2019
- Total Posts on Site As of End of October 2019: 17
- October 2019 Total Revenue: $0

Niche Site Project 5: Animals
This is a site about animals in general. Mostly wild animals although the domain is generic enough that it could encompass anything about nature, weather, etc. It is geared towards kids primarily.
- Domain Registered: 2019
- Content Age: Site started fresh 10-2019
- Total Posts on Site As of End of December 2019: 9
- 2019 Total Revenue: $0

Niche Site Project 6: Pets 3
Another pet site. This one does not overlap with my other two pets site at all. I could include those pets later, but probably won’t.
- Domain Registered: 08-2019
- Current Age: Site started fresh 12-2019
- Total Posts on Site As of End of December 2019: 3
There is no site page for this one yet, it is too new. But you can check out December stats here: December 2019 – Month 1
Tools I Use
I use a variety of free and paid tools to help me manage all of these blogs. You can check them out on my tools and resources page.
Content Production
These are all content sites. The goal is, eventually, for them each to have well over 100 articles. For some of the niches, over 1,000 topics are feasible.
In order to reach anywhere near those numbers, I need to consistently add content and that is easier said than done.
I don’t have an unlimited amount of resources. While I do hire writers, my blogs aren’t earning enough yet to pay for the writers I have let alone hire more.
This means I am limited each month as to how much I can spend on content. My hope is that, soon, the blogs will fund their own writers and I can grow from there.
That being said, here as the content breakout by month. Since I started writing this post (and this site) in October 2019, I’m not going to go back and look at past months as a group like this. That data is, however, available on the site page for each of the individual niche site projects.
September 2019
Site | # Posts Added |
Pets 1 | 41 |
Personal Finance | 1 |
Home & Garden | 1 |
Pets 2 | 1 |
October 2019
Site | # Posts Added |
Pets 1 | 20 |
Personal Finance | 0 |
Home & Garden | 16 |
Pets 2 | 10 |
Animals | 4 |
November 2019
Site | # Posts Added |
Pets 1 | 12 |
Personal Finance | 0 |
Home & Garden | 12 |
Pets 2 | 4 |
Animals | 0 |
December 2019
Site | # Posts Added |
Pets 1 | 18 |
Personal Finance | 3 |
Home & Garden | 10 |
Pets 2 | 11 |
Animals | 5 |
Pets 3 | 3 |
Goal Setting
I feel that goal setting is extremely important. Each month I try to set a few attainable goals. Goals that aren’t necessarily easy but are attainable if I work to complete them.
January 2020 Goals
My goal for January is (fairly) simple. I want to publish 75 total articles across all sites. Now, I realize this is a big leap from 50 but, I have a content plan I think I can make work. Between my existing writing team, and myself, I should be able to hit this goal if I work hard enough.
November Goals
For November, especially with the Holidays coming up, I want to keep things simple. My two goals are:
- Establish a content plan for each site of at least 100 – 150 posts.
- Publish all hired articles