Niche Site Project 3 – February 2020 Update

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I’m seeing good progress with this site and I’m starting to write for it a little more which is great too!

Project Dashboard

Content and Income

This month I was able to add 6 new posts to this site. I wrote two of those. While I would have liked to write more, considering how busy the month was for me personally, I feel like that was a win!

Income is definitely rising each month. Amazon, in particular, was way up this month. I have a few posts recommending items in the $400 plus range and this month two were purchased.

At just over $30 commission each, that made the Amazon income go up pretty quickly. Here’s hoping they don’t return the items!

Ad income was up as well. Most days I make between $3 and $4 which is pretty good considering the traffic.


Movin on up!! At least, that’s what traffic is doing. This is another nice month for traffic increase for this blog. Last month I set a goal of 5,000 sessions for this month. I hit that no problem!

We’re seeing a 65% growth. I know that is mostly because the numbers are still small. When the numbers are low, it’s much easier to pull off big percentages.

That leaves me with how to decide on a session goal for next month. Session goals are kind of hard because the only thing I can really do to increase sessions is to write more content and publish more on social (in the case of this blog, Pinterest).


Last months goals were:

  • Add at least 15 new posts. ❌ FAIL
  • Compile a list of at least 100 topics to write on. πŸ†Β WIN
  • Hit 5,000 sessions. πŸ†Β WIN

This month’s goals are:

  • Hit 7,500 sessions
  • Publish 15 new posts

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Interested in reading about my niche site projects? Check out my Niche Site Project List to see my projects & their individual status.


I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.

These are my top tools:


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