Niche Site Project 6 – January 2020
This site is still in it’s infancy but I have big plans for it in February. January wasn’t very exciting though.
The dashboard for this site is still very basic. There were 3 articles published this month with a total word count of 5,130.
I only have one post over 1-month-old (I’ll fix the label for next month).

This site actually received a few organic visitors this month! I expect a lot of the direct users were probably me but that’s ok!
Next month my goal is to add at least 15 new articles to this site. Thankfully, I’ll have help. I’ve decided to hire TextGoods (<- Not an affiliate link)again for 50 posts for this site.
The content for Niche Site Project 4 is doing so well I see no reason not to hire Dane and his team again for this site.
The next step is for me to do the keyword research so that I can turn it over to him and his team can get started.