Mega Site Case Study – Jan 2023

*This post may have affiliate links, which means I may receive commissions if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclaimer for additional details.

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January is month one for this case study. Since the site was purchased, my team and I will be busy the rest of this month just getting things setup the way we do it.

That’s not to say that there is anything wrong or bad with the site in it’s current state but, we have specific plugins we like to use, legal wording and contact information updates to make, as well as want to ensure that all revenue items get properly transferred so the money starts flowing to us.

Since January is still in progress, this post will very much be a to-do list / check list for me. So while you may find it interesting, be sure and sign up for the newsletter and I’ll send out an email once the post is “finalized” with the details from January.

πŸ“œ History

  • 1/11/2023 – πŸ’° Completed Purchase of Site

☐ To Do List

  • Look for / switch any other affiliates
  • Plug-in Audit
  • Install affiliate disclaimer
  • Install Grow plugin
  • Create & Install Google Webstories Tracking Code
  • Evaluate hierarchy / structure
  • Evaluate domain name / logo / branding (do I want to make any changes?)
  • Check Alt Tags for Accessibility (my team will do this as part of the image swap)
  • Evaluate Search Console / Analytics Data and develop a content plan for Q1
  • Install UA tracking code on site

β˜‘οΈ Completed

  • 1/11/2023 – Domain transferred to Go Daddy
  • 1/11/2023 – Hosting transferred to Big Scoots
  • 1/11/2023 – Theme changed from Oxygen to Popcorn
  • 1/11/2023 – Removed Link Whisper Plugin (I actually like Link Whisper, but I’m not using it on this site for right now)
  • 1/12/2023 – Change out Amazon Affiliate Links
  • 1/12/2023 – Add site to ClickUp
  • 1/18/2023 – Setup Legacy Google Analytics – You may be thinking…but why…old analytics is being discontinued mid year. The reasoning for this is that I have custom reports built out for original GA that aid in keyword research that I haven’t built out an alternative for in GA4, so I might as well pull what data I can in the format I’m used to
  • 1/19/2023 – Switch over Ezoic Ads – In the final stages of this.

Assigned to VA:

These are things my team has processes for and can complete without my involvement. The photos project will be ongoing and photos will be updated / replaced at a rate of 10% per month.

  • Contact Information Change
  • Create email address for site
  • Swap photos
  • Add my terms and conditions

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I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.

These are my top tools:


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