Niche Site Project 10 – Sewing
This was an aged domain that I purchased and have slowly been adding content to it. I added Ezoic for ads in January. Keyword research for this site is a bit hard for me but my goal is to get it to at least 100 total posts.
I plan to also create a Pinterest account for it sometime in 2021 and see if we can add some traffic that way as well. Here is the progress from when it started through March 2021.

Income Report
Project | Month Start | Month # | # Articles Added | Total # Articles | Words Published | Pageviews | Total Earnings |
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I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.
These are my top tools:
- ClickUp – It has easily helped me 10x my productivity.
- Big Scoots Hosting – (or, alternately, SiteGround)
- Tailwind for Pinterest
- ConvertKit for Email List
- Airtable for data tracking/spreadsheets when I first started (though I use ClickUp Exclusively now)
- Project24 the main course I took to learn how to blog, and my primary blog course recommendation.
- BloggerPlot for Analytics and Search Console Analysis in one place.
- Amalinks Pro for Amazon links and awesome tables.
- for my Virtual Assistants
- Pinteresting Strategies Course for Pinterest
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