Niche Site Project 6 – February 2020 Update

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This site has some exciting changes coming up soon so I decided to go ahead and write this update for February despite not much happening.


This month I published 4 new posts to the site totaling 6751 words. In bigger news, I have partnered with a friend on this site to get it going faster. As part of that, we’ve ordered 50 articles from TextGoods (<– NOT an affiliate link).

I did all the keyword research, and Dane’s excellent team will write them. These topics are all in my domain so I’ll edit and find pictures for them before publishing.

The real big task is going to be keeping up.


Traffic isn’t doing much. Remember, this site was created in December on a brand new domain. That means February is month 3. With 10 total articles during that time, I don’t expect much at all.


The only goal for this site for March is to publish all articles that come in for it. I’ve also started this site on Pinterest so I would love to see some Pinterest growth as well!

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I keep an up to date list of all of the tools and resources I use to manage my blogs, including how I create the awesome dashboards in my income reports, on my Tools and Resources page.

These are my top tools:


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