I am a lifelong lover of all things technical. I started teaching myself how to build websites with HTML and CSS in the late ’90s. Around that time, I built a website and a YouTube channel with my best friend that helped us succeed in our very first business.
As WordPress started to become more and more popular I switched to that platform and haven’t looked back since. I am experienced with setting up WordPress sites and have even done some back end customization of themes on occasion.
All of my blogging activities are done at home on my free time. It really is a passion of mine. I run several different blogs and manage a few others. For my day job at a software development company, my position has evolved to not really have a title. I have held many positions at the company including Accounting Manager, Technical Support Manager, Graphic Designer, etc. Currently, I oversee accounting, technical support, and marketing. Right now I mostly do software mockups and manage an employee who runs the SEO and online marketing for our clients.
I started this blog as a personal experiment. It has been a long time since I built a blog from scratch starting at domain authority 1 with no content. Because I am running other blogs, I needed the new site to be on a topic that is very easy for me to create content for. That means that blogging was a perfect fit.
As a member of many blogging groups, I realize there really isn’t one cohesive place for bloggers to get help with the very basic startup questions. We all learn it eventually but it can be hard to find answers to quick questions when you need them. I hope this blog is able to help you get going and inspires you to develop a passion for blogging!